Saturday, June 12, 2010

Completely unrelated to art.

Alright, I know I'm supposed to keep a tight grasp on my purse strings for a while but recently I've done a little bit of splurging. Its hardly a secret that I have a large appetite for books. As a matter of fact, my current bookstore job only helps to facilitate the spending of my paycheck on books. Once again my bookshelves have become overloaded and books are forming small stacks all over my floor, tables and counters. Sometimes I think they start to breed and multiply on their own.
I usually carry one or two books in my purse at any given time. I'll be the first to say that The multiple book approach can burn up a lot of space in my purse.
Now, I'll be the first to admit that the idea of an e-reader fills me both with interest and a horror at the idea that books might become outdated.
However my need for space and my curiosity eventually won out and I caved to purchasing the Nook from Barnes and Noble. I love the fact that the power lasts for days without a charge and that I can carry a virtual library in my purse at any given time. While the nook is good for casual reading, and has a huge advantage when it comes to portability, it is certainly no replacement for books overall. So far I find reading on it to go rather quickly. I like that the nook will remember what page of the book you left off on since bookmarks and purses dont exactly mix. My book choices are divided into two categories: fictional fluffy reading and big beautiful art books as well as other reference books and magazines with plenty of color images. and I am slowly starting to customize my nook. I went with a pink back cover and I will hopefully be getting my pink leather case delivered some time this week (I made sure it matched my wii remote).
Hopefully updates and pictures coming later as some of the books I look forward to are being released!

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